Published December 10, 2021. Updated January 5, 2024. Open access. | Purchase book ❯ |
Common Bush-Anole (Polychrus marmoratus)
Reptiles of Ecuador | Sauria | Polychrotidae | Polychrus marmoratus
English common names: Common Bush-Anole, Common Monkey Lizard, Many-colored Bush Anole.
Spanish common names: Falso camaleón común, lagarto mono común (Ecuador); camaleón sudamericano (Colombia); falso camaleón (Perú).
Recognition: ♂♂ 50.4 cmMaximum distance from the snout to the tip of the tail. Snout–vent length=12.6 cm. ♀♀ 54.7 cmMaximum distance from the snout to the tip of the tail. Snout–vent length=14.4 cm..1 The Common Bush-Anole (Polychrus marmoratus) is a medium-sized lizard with a slender laterally compressed body, black oral cavity, and extremely long and semi-prehensile tail.2 This species lacks major sexual dimorphism in color patterns. Femoral pores are present in both sexes, but these are more pronounced in males.1,3 The dorsal coloration is a marbled combination of yellow, dark green, and gray on a predominantly lime green background.1–5 Under stress, Common Bush-Anoles can acquire a predominantly brown or dark gray coloration, which explains why these lizards are popularly known as “chameleons.”3,4 Polychrus marmoratus can be distinguished from other arboreal medium-sized green lizards (particularly Enyalioides laticeps, Iguana iguana, and Plica umbra) by lacking a vertebral crest. From its congener P. liogaster, it differs by having thin postocular dark stripes that reach only to the level of the tympanum, instead of all the way to the level of the shoulder.1,3 Neonates have a white coloration between the bands of the eyes, which helps differentiate this species from small green lizards such as Anolis punctatus and A. transversalis.

Figure 1: Individuals of Polychrus marmoratus: Yasuní Scientific Station, Orellana province, Ecuador (); Leticia, Amazonas department, Colombia (). sa=subadult, j=juvenile.
Natural history: Polychrus marmoratus is a rarely seen lizard due to its arboreal habits.6,7 It inhabits old-growth to moderately disturbed rainforests, which may be seasonally flooded or terra-firme.5 It also occurs in swamps, plantations,1 and in gardens8 in urban areas near the forest edge.5 Common Bush-Anoles often use forest borders along water bodies,2 roads, and crops, where individuals perch and bask on branches and tree trunks in the canopy.1–6 Like a chameleon, the movements of the bush anole through the foliage are slow. Most activity occurs during rainless days between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm and primarily on the upper forest stratum, although these lizards may occasionally dwell at ground level.1,2 At night, Common Bush-Anoles sleep on lower (0.4–5 m above the ground) perches, which may be grass blades, twigs, vines, and branches.4,6,8 Polychrus marmoratus is an omnivorous lizard that hunts using a passive strategy. Its diet is composed of flowers, fruit seeds, and arthropods, including spiders, cicadas, beetles, mantids, ants, moths, and grasshoppers.1,2,4,9 The cryptic coloration and twig-like motion are the primary defense mechanisms.2 When threatened, they usually climb towards the treetops or move to the opposite side of the perch.3 If cornered, they extend the dewlap and open the mouth aggressively, exposing the dark palate.2–6 Confirmed predators of this species include domestic cats, marsupials (Caluromys lanatus),10 primates (Callithrix geoffroyi, Cebus robustus, Sapajus robustus, and S. xanthosternoslas),11–13 raptors (Buteo albonotatus and Pseudastur albicollis),3,14 and colubrid snakes (Chironius multiventris,3 Leptophis ahaetulla,15 L. coeruloedorsus, Rhinobothryum lentiginosum,16 Siphlophis cervinus,17 and S. compressus).18 Individuals of P. marmoratus are hosts to a variety of nematode worms.19 The Common Bush-Anole is an oviparous lizard in which copulation takes place on trees. Breeding seems to take place year-round2 and females deposit 4–13 elliptical eggs that measure 10–13 mm in diameter.4,5,7 During copulation, the male rides the female while biting her neck, a process that can last more than an hour. The eggs are laid in crevices in the trees or in the leaf-litter.7,20
Conservation: Least Concern Believed to be safe from extinction given current circumstances..21,22 Polychrus marmoratus is listed in this category because it is a widely distributed species that tolerates disturbed habitats and is present in several major protected areas throughout its range.21 Furthermore, nearly half (49%) of the occurrence area of P. marmoratus in Brazil is within protected areas and about 84% of this same area is forested.23 Based on maps of Ecuador’s vegetation cover published in 2012,24 the majority (~88%) of the species’ potential distribution in this country still holds large continuous forest habitat and ~20% of this area is inside national parks. The most important threat to the long-term survival of some populations of this arboreal reptile is large-scale habitat destruction.25,26
Distribution: Polychrus marmoratus is widely distributed throughout the Neotropical lowlands of northern South America. East of the Andes the species has been recorded in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador (Fig. 2), French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. In Brazil, P. marmoratus also occurs throughout the Atlantic Forest. In Colombia, this species has been recorded west of the Andes along the drainages of the rivers Magdalena and Cauca. There is a record of a member of this species in Florida, United States, but whether this represents an isolated individual or part of an established population is uncertain.27

Figure 2: Distribution of Polychrus marmoratus in Ecuador. See Appendix 1 for a complete list of the presence localities included in the map.
Etymology: The generic name Polychrus comes from the Greek words poly (=many) and chroma (=color),28 and refers to the varied dorsal coloration.29 The specific epithet marmoratus comes from the Latin word marmor (=marble) and the prefix -atus (=provided with),28 and refers to the striking dorsal coloration.8
See it in the wild: Common Bush-Anoles can be located at a rate of about once every few months in forested areas throughout the species’ area of distribution in Ecuador. Some of the best localities to find these lizards are Yasuní Scientific Station, Napo Wildlife Center, Sacha Lodge, Sani Lodge, and La Selva Lodge. Although individuals can be spotted active on tree trunks and tall branches during the day, they are much more easily found and approached at night, when they are sleeping on twigs and leaves closer to the ground.
Special thanks to Roy Arthur Blodgett for symbolically adopting the Common Bush-Anole and helping bring the Reptiles of Ecuador book project to life.
Click here to adopt a species.
Authors: Andrés Sierra-Rueda,aAffiliation: Semillero de Investigación BioHerp, Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia. Andrés F. Aponte-Gutiérrez,bAffiliation: Grupo de Biodiversidad y Recursos Genéticos, Instituto de Genética, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.,cAffiliation: Fundación Biodiversa Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. and Juan Acosta-OrtizaAffiliation: Semillero de Investigación BioHerp, Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia.
Editor: Alejandro ArteagadAffiliation: Khamai Foundation, Quito, Ecuador.
Photographers: Jose Vieira,eAffiliation: Tropical Herping (TH), Quito, Ecuador.,fAffiliation: ExSitu, Quito, Ecuador. Sebastián Di Doménico,gAffiliation: Keeping Nature, Bogotá, Colombia. and Alejandro ArteagadAffiliation: Khamai Foundation, Quito, Ecuador.
How to cite? Sierra-Rueda A, Aponte-Gutiérrez AF, Acosta-Ortiz J (2021) Common Bush-Anole (Polychrus marmoratus). In: Arteaga A, Bustamante L, Vieira J (Eds) Reptiles of Ecuador: Life in the middle of the world. Available from: DOI: 10.47051/HNOJ7209
Literature cited:
- Avila-Pires TCS (1995) Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: Squamata). Zoologische Verhandelingen 299: 1–706.
- Hoogmoed MS (1973) Notes on the herpetofauna of Surinam. IV. The lizards and amphisbaenians of Surinam. Biogeographica 4: 1–419.
- Sierra-Rueda AS, Montoya-Cruz A (2020) Polychrus marmoratus. Catálogo de Anfibios y Reptiles de Colombia 6: 36–42.
- Vitt LJ, De la Torre S (1996) A research guide to the lizards of Cuyabeno. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, 165 pp.
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- Field notes, Reptiles of Ecuador book project.
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Appendix 1: Locality data used to create the distribution map of Polychrus marmoratus in Ecuador (Fig. 2). Go to the section on symbols and abbreviations for a list of acronyms used.
Country | Province | Locality | Source |
Colombia | Caquetá | Florencia | MLS 92 |
Colombia | Caquetá | Río La Yuca | KU 169856 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Comunidad Yukutais | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | El Ideal | Torres-Carvajal et al. 2017 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Gualaquiza, 13 km S of | This work |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Macuma | UIMNH 91711 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | San Juan Bosco | Photo by Juan Carlos Sánchez |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Siete Iglesias Reserve | Jungle Dave’s Tours |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Sucúa | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Suritiak | This work |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Taisha | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Morona Santiago | Vía Macas–Limón | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2016 |
Ecuador | Napo | Allpa Mama | iNaturalist |
Ecuador | Napo | Chontapunta | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Napo | Jatun Sacha Biological Station | This work |
Ecuador | Napo | Muyuna, 2 km E of | iNaturalist |
Ecuador | Napo | Río Napo | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Orellana | Campo NPF | This work |
Ecuador | Orellana | Coca | MHNG 2239.088 |
Ecuador | Orellana | Coca, 3 km W of | iNaturalist |
Ecuador | Orellana | Loreto | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Orellana | Río Bigal Biological Reserve | Photo by Thierry García |
Ecuador | Orellana | San José de Payamino | Maynard et al. 2017 |
Ecuador | Orellana | Tiputini Biodiversity Station | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Orellana | Yasuní Scientific Station | This work |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Cabeceras del Bobonaza | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Kapawi Lodge | This work |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Montalvo | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Río Arajuno | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Río Pastaza | Ribeiro-Júnior 2015 |
Ecuador | Pastaza | Sarayacu | Peters 1959 |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | Dureno | Duellman 1978 |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | La Selva Lodge | This work |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | Limoncocha | KU 98945 |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | Napo Wildlife Center | This work |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | San Pablo de Kantesiya | MHNG 2266.054 |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | Sani Lodge | This work |
Ecuador | Sucumbíos | Santa Cecilia | Duellman 1978 |
Ecuador | Zamora Chinchipe | Finca Yantza | iNaturalist |
Ecuador | Zamora Chinchipe | Perma Tree | Photo by Yago Veith |
Ecuador | Zamora Chinchipe | Tundayme | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2016 |
Ecuador | Zamora Chinchipe | Valle del Quimi | Betancourt et al. 2018 |
Perú | Amazonas | Aintami | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2015 |
Perú | Amazonas | Chévez Valdivia | MVZ 176524 |
Perú | Amazonas | Huampami | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2015 |
Perú | Amazonas | La Poza | MVZ 174842 |
Perú | Amazonas | Paagat | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2015 |
Perú | Amazonas | Río Cenepa | MVZ 163071 |
Perú | Loreto | Cordillera Escalera | Ramírez-Jaramillo 2016 |
Perú | Loreto | Pongo de Manseriche | MVZ 16903 |
Perú | Loreto | Río Yuvineto | MNHN 1978.2411 |